Martha Ann Weiss

Jun 7, 2021

Martha Ann Weiss (nee Gallagher), devoted and beloved wife of the late Garcon. Dearest sister of Mary Alicia Ware, Margaret Kaiser and Farrell Gallagher, Jr.(all deceased), beloved daughter of Martha (nee Burns) and Farrell Gallagher. Martha was a lover of flowers and animals. ALL SERVICES PRIVATE

Jennie Bee Tatum

May 7, 2021

Jennie Bee Tatum passed away quietly in the early morning hours of May7th, 2021. Her 105 years were spent raising a daughter and son, cherishingher grandchildren, enjoying time with family and friends, and living aChristian life.Jennie was born in Macedonia, Union County, Arkansas and moved toCleveland in the 1940s. She worked for many years as a Nurse's Aide andretired from...

Ruth Hardman Spohn

Apr 15, 2021

Ruth H. Spohn, passed away Thursday, April 15, 2021 at the age of 98.Born Ruth Mary Hardman to Carl and Elsie Hardman on February 12, 1923 in Pittsburgh, PA, she remained in PA. to attend Grove City College. Moving to Cleveland to work for the government's War Assets, she met her future husband, Robert Spohn in 1945.After working for 29...

James Thomas Lawless

Apr 12, 2021

LAWLESSJames Thomas Lawless, IV age 84, passed away on April 12. Born in Toledo, Ohio, on January 13, 1937, he was the son of James III and Polly (Leet) Lawless. He graduated from Scott High School and the University of Toledo. Surviving are his wife Cecily (nee MacKenzie), daughters Catherine Lawless and Jennifer Lawless (Tim) Roth, grandchildren Patrick Lawless Maher,...

Nanette M O'Callaghan

Feb 23, 2021

Nanette M O'Callaghan (nee Rees), age 85Beloved wife of the late Eugene. Loving mother of Michael (Liz), James (Charlene) and Kathleen Huston (James). Devoted grandmother of Madison, Ella, Callaghan, Brenna, and Ian. Dearest sister of John Rees (deceased) (Phyllis) and Jane Ann Morrell (Michael). Sister in law of Jane Mahncke and Rich O'Callaghan (deceased) and loving aunt to many.Family and...

James F Thompson

Jan 27, 2021

James F. Thompson, age 84, passed away peacefully on January 27th, 2021.He was born in Cleveland to the late Robert and Mary (Vince) Thompson. He was the brother of Janice O'Toole and of the late Robert (Florence)Thompson. He is survived by his loving wife, Joan A.Thompson (Pranskevich); and children Linda F. Thompson, Leslie A. (David) Barni, and Lisa M. (Timothy)...

Constance A. "Connie" Brown

Jan 26, 2021

Constance A. "Connie" Brown (nee Anielski), age 87Peacefully passed away on January 26, 2021 as she would have wanted - with her family near, an occasional laugh as we shared stories and lots of love. Beloved wife of the late George. The best friend and mother to her daughter, Kate, and the loving mother-in-law of Nelson Wittenmyer. Born in 1933,...

Susan M Cole

Jan 20, 2021

SUSAN M COLE, age 72Loving daughter of the Joseph and Monica Cole (both deceased). Dearest sister of Joanie (deceased), Barbara Browne (Jim), Janet Kirschenbaum (Dan) and Steve Cole (Kathy) and friend to all. Loving aunt of Jeffrey, Kristen, Julian, Dana, Andrew and Charlie.Susan passed away peacefully Jan. 20, 2021. She dedicated her life to education and inspired many to pursue...

Norma Emilie Boucher

Jan 19, 2021

NORMA EMILIE BOUCHER (nee Fischer)Norma passed away on Tuesday, January 19, 2021. Born in Feldkirch, Austria on June 6, 1945, she was 75 years old.Norma was a lifelong educator who taught high school before serving as librarian for hundreds of children atSt. Margaret Mary's Elementary School in South Euclid, Ohio.Norma was loved by all who knew her. She is survived...

Dr. Bridget Harwell

Dec 30, 2020

DR BRIDGET HARWELLBridget Harwell passed away gently on December 30, 2020 at her home in Cleveland Heights, OH in the company of Maria Rodriguez, her dedicated caregiver and friend, and Molly, her beloved cat. Mary Bridget was born in Cleveland to Honoria (Nora) Ward and Millard Harwell and grew up in homes filled with library books. She and her five...